Feeling a bit better, desperate for the feel of wind on my face. The garden and lots of warm layers call. Tom and Annie have created an intricate 'Town with Farm' from the Duplo. Hours of construction and play.
The 'Map Man' inspired theodolite in action mapping the road in front of our house.
Up the maple tree again, pushed up there by Tom.
We also bounced ball sand cleared a room for a carpet. T and A played a long hospital game with a 100% cure rate. Another Lego quarry has been made then converted into a toy with a train lift by my poor boy who's parents don't buy him battery toys. Now to sort out the un-rotated pictures and put the children's bedrooms back together more cosy and tidy than ever before. Well at least with carpets not covered in nameless muck with cut out bits of the worst bits of muck. Off to arrange beauty.
Butterfly Cakes
Crab Apple Jelly with Grannie Millgate
Annie chose these pictures of Grannie working hard looking after us all.
Tom and Annie had eye tests and will soon be sporting glasses. They are both very pleased.
Annie has used fabric crayons to make a Fairy mat. It has a path, a garden, a maze, a parking space and a field. Tom has designed a town.
I have shelves and a table in my crafty space and now need to arrange my things and start making things.