Two things from this article to do:
"To know yourself, you have to keep track of your random choices, figure out your patterns, and use this knowledge to dominate your own mind. It’s the only way that free will can grow. If you avoid this, other minds will manipulate and control you lifelong.
One method people use to find out who they are becoming, before others do, is to keep a journal, where they log what attracts their attention, along with some commentary. In this way, you get to listen to yourself instead of listening only to others."
"I set out to use the classical emphasis on qualities and specific powers. I collected from every kid a list of three powers they felt they already possessed and three weaknesses they might like to remedy in the course of the school year."
More from him:
Really educated people ...
Establish an individual set of values but recognize those of the surrounding community and of the various cultures of the world.
Explore their own ancestry, culture, and place.
Are comfortable being alone, yet understand dynamics between people and form healthy relationships.
Accept mortality, knowing that every choice affects the generations to come.
Create new things and find new experiences.
Think for themselves; observe, analyze, and discover truth without relying on the opinions of others.
Favor love, curiosity, reverence, and empathy rather than material wealth.
Choose a vocation that contributes to the common good.
Enjoy a variety of new places and experiences but identify and cherish a place to call home.
Express their own voice with confidence.
Add value to every encounter and every group of which they are a part.
Always ask: “Who am I? Where are my limits? What are my possibilities?”

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